Do you hate having to spend an entire day just to sterilize a few pounds of spawn?
Do you wish you could simply order them and get the rest of your day back?
Does your HOA forbid you from owning a pressure cooker?
If you're just getting started or have better things to do on your day off than sterilize grain, these bags are for you! Included is 3 pounds of sterilized millet and an adhesive self-healing injection port! Simply alcohol wipe the area and slap on the port, easy as that!
And ignore the HOA, a free mycologist does not ask permission.
Well forst of all the bags came without injection ports so I had to I jet the bags and hope that there's no contamination. 3 days later the injection ports came separately bit it was already too late. 2md of all both the bags were really moist and had huge chunks of grain stuck together amd some just looked bad or a grayish color to them. Def haven't seen that b4 on grain bags. I'm hoping these weren't to moist but im gonna bet say both bags end up contaminated due to how moist they were and that I had to inject spores through the bag and that usually doesn't work out well. I'd like 2 new bags but im.sure you guys won't resend them to me so this is prob4a huge waste of time. I actually did email u the next day in regards to this bit nobody has responded to offer me 2 new bags with I jection ports in the same box. I don't think I'll be useing you guys again unless you make this right. This was my 1st time useimg you guys and on my very 1st order I wasn't to thrilled.
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